Day Surgery
Our procedures are minimally-invasive day procedures. This means that no overnight stay is required and you go home the same day. The procedure itself is performed in an operating theatre of a hospital or day surgery. There will be an Anaesthetist to provide sedation. Other team members include a radiographer to provide X-ray (to guide needle placement) and theatre nurses. We use sterile equipment and protective gear to minimize risk of infection.
Before the procedure
You will need to fast before the procedure. This means: - No food 6 hours before - No liquids (other than water) 6 hours before (this includes coffee, tea, orange juice etc)- Water up to 2 hours before
Take your usual medications with a small sip of water.Please contact us if you are taking any blood thinning medications, diabetes medication, pregnant, or unwell.
Take your usual medications with a small sip of water.Please contact us if you are taking any blood thinning medications, diabetes medication, pregnant, or unwell.
After the procedure
You will be taken to recovery and monitored until you are ready for discharge. You will not be able to drive, so ensure someone can drive you home safely. Avoid over-exerting yourself immediately after the procedure. You may gradually return to your day-to-day activities. You will be reviewed by our pain nurse via telephone a few days after the procedure.
What are the costs?
A) Insured patients with hospital coverWestern Pain clinic endeavours to charge no gaps for procedures. This means no out-of-pocket expenses if you have Bronze, Silver, or Gold level hospital cover. We bill your health fund directly. However, your health fund may charge a separate excess which is dependant on your policy for admission to a hospital or day surgery. Although we endeavour to work with Anaesthetists and Radiographers who don't charge an out-of-pocket expense, this is not always guaranteed.
B) Workers Compensation and Motor Vehicle Accident patientsWe require pre-authorization from the insurer prior to procedures for Workers Compensation and Motor Vehicle Accident patients. We will contact them on your behalf but this may result in a delay in your procedure, depending on the time it takes them to respond.
C) Uninsured patientsFor uninsured patients, pre-payment is required for the procedure, anaesthesia, radiography and to the hospital. We can provide you with a quote for the total amount. You will be able to claim back a portion of this from Medicare.
B) Workers Compensation and Motor Vehicle Accident patientsWe require pre-authorization from the insurer prior to procedures for Workers Compensation and Motor Vehicle Accident patients. We will contact them on your behalf but this may result in a delay in your procedure, depending on the time it takes them to respond.
C) Uninsured patientsFor uninsured patients, pre-payment is required for the procedure, anaesthesia, radiography and to the hospital. We can provide you with a quote for the total amount. You will be able to claim back a portion of this from Medicare.
Procedures commonly performed include:
- Greater occipital nerve block and rhizotomy (headache)- Stellate ganglion block (facial pain, upper limb & shoulder pain, flushing, PTSD)- Cervical facet joint injection, rhizotomy, epidural steroid injection (neck pain)- Thoracic facet joint injection, rhizotomy, epidural steroid injection (upper back pain)- Lumbar facet joint injection, rhizotomy, epidural steroid injection (low back pain)- Nerve root sleeve injection (radicular pain, sciatica, groin pain)- Dorsal root ganglion pulsed radiofrequency ablation (radicular pain, sciatica, groin pain)- Suprascapular nerve block and rhizotomy (shoulder pain)- Intercostal nerve block and rhizotomy (chest wall pain)
- Hip joint nerve block and rhizotomy (hip joint pain)- Cluneal nerve block and rhizotomy (buttock pain)- Sacroiliac joint injection and rhizotomy (buttock pain)- Ganglion impar block and rhizotomy (coccyx / tail-bone pain)- Ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric block and rhizotomy (groin pain, testicular pain)- Pudendal nerve block and rhizotomy (groin pain)- Genicular nerve block and rhizotomy (knee pain)- Ankle block and rhizotomy (ankle pain)- Peripheral nerve block and rhizotomy
- Ketamine infusion